Welcome to Formula Student AI

Coming Up

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Past Events

ML WorkshopML Workshop3/20/2024, 2:00:00 PM
Intro to ROS WorkshopIntro to ROS Workshop11/22/2023, 4:00:00 PM
Intro to Machine Learning WorkshopIntro to Machine Learning Workshop11/8/2023, 2:00:00 PM
Intro to GitIntro to Git10/16/2023, 6:00:00 PM

Intro to Deep Learning


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Setting up ROS


How to install ROS, Gazebo and Ubuntu on your machine

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Machine Learning


Thank you to everyone who made it to the workshop. Michael Wray's slides and worksheets from the workshop are available on the link below.

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Python Setup


How to set up python on your personal laptop

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Git Basics


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Hello everyone, welcome to Formula Student AI at University of Bristol. If you aren't already in the teams channel, fill in the form below and you'll be automatically added.

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